As the title suggests, sleep training is not for me (at least at the time of updating this post the morning after). I started out writing this post with the full intention of updating it through the night and possibly also with the (false) full expectation that it would go like how everyone on the internet writes about their success. I guess no one writes about their "failures"? So anyway, here goes...
Ok, I've made the decision! After many bad nights of terrible sleep and 2 nights of persistent night wakings after every sleep cycle, I've decided to try a bit of sleep training. No, I'm not going for the harsh CIO method as I am not sure if I can handle that yet - let's leave that to be the last resort if it ever comes to that.
What I'm trying is the Baby Bliss settling technique by Jo Ryan. It's (supposedly) a gentler method than CIO and not so much so a controlled crying method - though to me I don't really know how much different her method is to CC?
Anyway, it involves a lot of patting and shooshing until bub falls back asleep if and when she wakes at a time where she shouldn't be needing a feed. Right now, that's probably only 10 minutes away for me as Em has been down for about half an hour now since putting her down for her last feed. She always nurses back to sleep (quite easily), but what I'm trying to do here is to break this sleep association so she can transition through her sleep cycles without persistent wakings.
I will be updating this post as I go through this night (and the next 2-3 nights) so I can log my progress. I've already kicked the hubby out of the room (Em sleeps in a crib next to me in our room) so I have to persevere! Otherwise he would have been kicked out for nothing.
My mantra will be...
"I have to stick this out, my waffling will only confuse and make things worse for Em and she will end up crying harder and longer next time. Do not feed, she's not hungry. Pat and shoosh, pat and shoosh."
Of course I will feed her probably 2 times through the night, but just not when she wakes at the end of every sleep cycle, and certainly not if she's stirring only 10 mins after being put down! She's been doing this the past 2 nights, hence why I'm deciding to train her - I need her to learn how to self soothe/settle with as little help from me as possible. Only then will hubby be allowed back in the room (I kid, but yet again, I'm quite serious especially when I think about it at 2am when it's already been the 6th night waking!).
Wishing myself luck!
Start of log
8.25pm: Put Em down for bedtime after nursing to sleep (yes, this was deeper sleep than it probably should have been)
9.05pm: Em wakes and I commence the Baby Bliss settling method. Jo recommends waiting at least 10-15 mins of crying before picking baby up, if the crying doesn't seem to be easing or is getting more distressed. Well, I decide after 6 mins that that is about the longest I can bear so I pick Em up.
End of log (yeah, short I know)
Herein lies my problem... Picking baby up is supposed to calm them down. Or I'm supposed to try calm bub down at least and then when she does, put her back down in crib and commence settling because she most certainly will cry again. Which she did. My problem is bub refuses to calm down no matter what I do and I know the only thing that will calm her is giving her the boob. Rocking, singing, bouncing, cuddling... Nothing was working. So how do I put bub down in crib again if she won't calm down enough for me to do so? I wasn't prepared for this. Finally, I did manage to quieten her by temporarily taking her out of the room, and then quickly reentering and going straight to crib.
I did this 3 times over the course of 1 hour and bub's cries were not getting any shorter nor easing. Each time I lay her down to cry was for about 6-7 mins before picking her up. There was no temporary pause for breath or sobbing in between, just a continuous distressed cry. After 3 shots, I decided maybe she's just too strong-willed. Definitely very persistent with her cries and although I know it may be worse if I give up and decide to try again another day, at least I have a better idea of what I'm in for. I know she was just protesting and not in pain or hungry, but all that crying could possibly put her in pain (could hear the phlegm building and most certainly didn't want her throat to suffer), and make her thirsty for sure! Hell it was hard. I kinda thought I could bear it but it was harder than I thought it would be.
So I caved.
Yep, weak little old me caved and gave her the boob. And of course she settled. It felt good, for me and I bet it felt wonderfully settling for Em too as she calmed right down. Must be the rush of oxytocins flowing between us. She fell asleep and you know what, we both enjoyed a long 4 hr stretch of uninterrupted sleep. 4 hrs! That's the longest she's done in the past month! Could be the crying that tired her out but at least she slept. She did have another 2 more wakings after that though, 1 more than she was "supposed" to where I was too tired to realize that I'd picked her up at a time when I should have tried shushing and patting instead.
But it's ok! Going to see how it goes tonight. No crying, just see if she will settle to sleep normally and wake at longer (more normal) intervals. Then I know not all is lost yet and we can leave this sleep training stuff for another day!