Monday, March 4, 2013

8 months and counting

Where did all that time go! Em is 8 months old already and it's been a while since I've done an update. She's getting really close to crawling, but also loves pushing up on her feet a lot to stand so who knows which will come first! Personally, I'm glad she's not crawling yet because she's already such a hazard on the bed... Clever girl pulls on the sheets to pull herself forward to wherever she wants to go! Can't take my eyes off her, for now only the cot is a safe place on her own.

Sleep wise, we haven't progressed much 😔 she gave me so much hope with her one night of falling asleep without fussing and another where she practically STTN... I hope more of those nights are not too far off in the future... For now, Em still wakes around midnight and 4am... But even getting her to stay down past the first sleep cycle at 8pm is a struggle, she always seems to wake once or twice after going down for the night. The defiant little girl is very strong in protesting too when she doesn't want to be put down 😣

In happier news, she's so full of new expressions! Here are her new faces for now... A cheeky monkey look and a real ugly tongue sticking out one she discovered this morning! Love her funny faces though, makes me laugh 😂

Daddy is away again for a week so we are on our own again. Sometimes I wonder if she realised daddy is gone and if so, what she thinks. The baby's mind would be so interesting to uncover!

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