Saturday, March 23, 2013

Standing, teething and Ma Ma!

Em is 38 weeks today. 38 weeks?!?! It doesn't sound like long, yet when I think about it more, it translates to just a few days shy of 9 months - THAT sounds longer. She's been out of he belly about the same length of time she's been IN the belly!

She's come a long way, little Em.. Only 3 more months of babyhood before we enter toddlerhood... I don't really want her to grow up so fast, yet it's so fun seeing how she's developing and learning new skills every day.

At 38 weeks, Em is now pulling herself up to stand, mostly with the help of furniture. We have to lower her cot within the next few days, it's getting a bit too dangerous because she'll pull herself up and lean over to see what's on the other side. Adventurous little girl with no fear...

She's also recently got her top two front teeth! I think it gives her a strange feeling inside her mouth so she keeps rubbing it with her tongue. To us, it looks like she's poking her tongue out at us... Cheeky monkey! Hopefully that will be it for the teeth for a while, so we can get back to some good sleeping cycles again. She's done well the past couple of nights since her teeth come through, waking but only for a few minutes and going back down without fussing. Hopefully we can get some long stretches soon!

Em also does this funny thing now where everything she grabs hold off, goes on her head. It's hilarious! She also lets out a very cute "ma!" as if to call out to you to "look at me! Look what I can do!" So so cute :)

Speaking of "ma", the hubby has been trying to get her to say "da da", to which Em retorts "MA MA!" Quite defiantly. It's soooooo funny! I have to try and get a video of it. Like everything else, you pull out the camera and she decides to stop doing what she's doing....

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