Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Hello 9-month Regression

It's been a while since I've had uninterrupted sleep. A good 9 and a half months to be exact. Everytime I think (or people tell me) things are gonna get better (i.e. better naps, longer nighttime sleeps, etc) things somehow take a turn for the worse. As if 2-3 nighttime wakings were not bad enough, along comes what experts term the "9 Month Regression".

The what???

Apparently this can happen anytime between 8-10 months and last anywhere between 4weeks to 3 months. Wait, WHUUUUUUUTTTT???? That's a big vague don't you think? For me, it feels like the 4 month regression has blended into the 9 month regression. Or maybe the 9 month regression began at 4 months. I don't know. What I do know, is that it's been a while since Em has been able to sleep any longer than 2.5-3 hrs at a stretch. Most of the time, she sleeps for 1hr durations before waking for a 5-10 min suckle and then going back down for another 1-2 hr stretch. Must this go on for 3 months??? Omigawd....

I've since decided to throw sleep training out the window, it's not for us I think. Em is way too dangerous when left to cry, climbing her crib, scratching her ears (sometimes till they bleed)... I figure a quick suckle is much more peaceful for all involved. And I can only hope and pray and cross all fingers, toes and eyes, that we will one day emerge victorious on the other side of these shenanigans. That she will one day decide to just sleep through the night. Till that day comes, I will power through her night wakings for she is my precious baby girl and this too shall pass in a blink of an eye. (Well... That's what "they" tell me!)

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