Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Em's first plane trip

We survived! Em turns out to be a pretty good traveller and our flights to and from Gold Coast were relatively uneventful. Apart from very slight fussiness during both descents, Em fared really well! I guess the trick was to be ready to nurse at any time, especially during take off and landing.

We flew on Scoot and were really lucky the flight on the way there was only one third full so we managed to change seats after take off and sprawl out on a 3 seater. Also helped that it was a night flight so Em slept most of the way. Pity on the way back it was way too full, but we booked the "love seats" at the back so we had the privacy of a comfy two seater. Probably wouldn't book these for a night flight though as it's too near the kitchen at the back so the noise may interfere with bub's sleeping. Another point to note is not to book the food in advance on Scoot as you can purchase onboard for a cheaper price! Not sure why we had to pay $30 extra per person, per sector (total of $120 for aeroplane food!) when the same combo meal can be purchased onboard for only $17. Baffling. Anyway, lesson learnt!

Turns out all the extra stuff we took onboard was just that - extra. Didn't need spare clothes, toys, jackets, etc. What did come in useful was a little pillow to rest my arm while nursing, swaddles to keep bub warm and the ergo of course - Em slept in that the whole way and only come out in between sleeps for a bit of a stretch.

As for the holiday itself, it was great! Although Em didn't sleep very well what with time differences (2 hrs is heaps with a baby!) and new environments. She simply refused to go down for sleeps in an unfamiliar cot. Now we're back home, I hope she gets into a good sleeping routine... Come on body clock, kick in already! Hopefully the bad sleeping habits cultivated on the trip (i.e. sleeping in my arms pretty much the entire night and during nap times) will be undone and new (good) habits formed!

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