Saturday, October 13, 2012

Putting Em down for Naptimes - 15 weeks

Em is 15 weeks old today and I just put her down for her 11.30am nap - awake! I'm slowly trying to transition her so that she gets used to going into her crib (or bassinet still for now) awake and falls asleep for her naps herself. It's getting to a stage where she's getting too heavy to rock to sleep anymore. My arms just cannot hold all that weight for such a long time anymore (Em is 6.5kg as of this morning).

I've been researching on various methods of putting bubs down for naps, from Jo Ryans vs Tracy Hoggs, to Gina Ford vs Tizzie Hall, so my plan is to follow the "shush and pat" method instead of any CC or CIO methods. For now, I still have to rock her till she's drowsy, but at least I'm putting her into her crib with eyes still open. Hopefully with time (soon!), she'll be able to do without the rocking. I think I need to create some sleep associations next... Let's hope this nap lasts at least her full sleep cycle (i.e. that she won't suddenly wake after 10 mins without falling into her deep sleep!). It would be a bonus if she manages to self settle and has 2 sleep cycles!

On a sidenote, it was the second night last night that Em only had one feed at night (um, apart from one at 11.30pm that I think I could have avoided, but gave in due to my own sleepy state). I have started dreaming strangely lately, where I'll dream it's a particular time, like 2am, so when I hear Em stir, I believe it's 2am, only to realise its much earlier when I look at the time... Strange dreams I've been having!

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