I'm in need of a routine!!! Em is now just a few days shy of turning 2 months old and I already feel in need of a routine. Surely it would benefit her and us as parents too? All this uncertainty, haphazard sleeping patterns and prolonged feeds one day after another (growth spurt they tell me
- well it feels like one constant growth spurt since she's been born) doesn't feel healthy for any party and I really don't want any bad habits to start forming unknowingly.
So I did a trusty google search and discovered Tracy Hogg's (aka The Baby Whisperer) EASY routine. How did I not come across this before?? Well I guess I wasn't looking because the first school of thought that was drilled into me is to "work around the baby". "Let the baby lead your schedule" everyone said. "Feed on demand". And so that's what I've been doing for the last 2 months but mannnnn it's tiring! And frustrating too! What works one day, doesn't always work the next (i.e. baby has no schedule - how could she possibly?) With no domestic help (I'm alone at home all day with Em while the hubby is at work), I'm feeling so restricted - I need a teeny weeny bit of predictability please.
So, back to the EASY Routine. Is it as "easy" as it sounds? I sure hope so! After reading a few articles on her method of soothing, calming and helping baby sleep, I feel more assured that I will soon have ME time. Don't get me wrong, I love Em to bits and would sacrifice anything for her, but this, I feel would also be good for her! So hopefully I'll work out some sort of routine soon and be able to share it with you!
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