Thursday, November 8, 2012

Record Sleep Time!

Omigod! Clocked an extraordinary record of 5hrs 45mins of night time sleep last night!!!

Albeit Em did wake and stir a little, all I had to do was pat her back to sleep. At one point, I even sat up, ready to give her a night feed cos I thought "it was time", but to my surprise, just as I was going to pick her up, she quietened down and I saw she had flipped herself onto her belly. So I let her continue sleeping and sleep she did!

Oh, the joy! So this is what it feels like! Let's hope it wasn't a fluke and is the start of better nights! ^.^

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Return of Aunt Flo

Yep, the inevitable has happened.

Aunt Flo is back. Urghhh.

After being 13 months free from her, she has decided its been wayyyy too long since her last visit. I had a feeling she wasn't far away, having had cramps the past two nights (I never used to get cramps before my pregnancy). But I thought it just might be attributed to the medley of "cooling" fruits I had over the weekend (pineapple, cucumber, jumbu, watermelon...). I guess not!

So that's also why I had been feeling ultra emotional the past few days too, not to mention the appearance of a zit right on the side of my nose.

Urghhh... Me no like you Flo!

I just hope it doesn't affect the breastfeeding seeing how Em is right smack in the middle of her "stormy" period (no pun intended)!