Em missed her late afternoon catnap today and boy was it hard to get her to settle after that! My mistake I guess was putting her down into the rocker a bit too early and she woke because she hadn't dropped off into deep sleep yet. From there, it was an uphill task of trying to get her to take her nap again before the next feed.
The Stroller didn't even work it's magic this time (noooooo! It always works!!!). And so after a quick trip out to pick up some dinner, hoping she'd fall asleep along the way (which she didn't) it was back to shushing and rocking and singing and patting to try to get her to nap before 7pm.
As time grew closer to 7, I knew all hope was lost so I decided to feed Em, hoping she'd then be full and sleep then. It worked! She fell asleep! But she wasn't in deep slumberland yet so I thought I'd hold her while I ate dinner and hope by then she would be in deep sleep. Er... Nope! Wide awake in less than 10 mins! Oh the frustration! Not just for me, but I'm sure Em wanted to sleep just as badly but just couldn't.
By now, I had gobbled down my dinner in under 3 minutes and it was almost 8pm. Em usually goes down for her nighttime sleep by 8.30! Ok, quick feed and maybe this time she'll go down for good. Not quite... So I decide to proceed with her bedtime routine which includes a bath. Finally after the bath, more feeding, a lot of shushing, rocking and singing, one failed attempt at putting her down too early, Em falls into deep slumber at about 10.30pm.
I watch her for a while to make sure and with a huge sigh of relief, finally take a shower and quickly rush to sleep because I know in a couple of hours (if I'm lucky), Em will wake and it will be time to feed again...